The answer to the Ist lesson last question baffles me. If the horse' leads' with the left fore and right hind, isn't this disunited? The reason I say this is because the leading legs are the ones which travel farthest, and they are both on the same side of the circle, i.e. the inside.
If the word Leads is removed then the footfall would be a correct lead. Do you see my confusion?
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lead change lesson

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I agree . I was going to ask the same question. I thought that the lead was for both legs on the same side. I'm confused.
Are you thinking of the 'counter canter' where the horse is going on a left circle but leading with both the right side legs? Otherwise if it is going on a left circle and leading with left front and right rear it IS disunited.
No Kazza, I wasn't thinking of counter canter, but your explanation is perfectly clear to me. Do you think the answer is a miss-print?
The explanation of lead changes is so simple, why did our instructors never tell us this!
I think this on-line university is great. Pity I can't do much at the moment because of all the ice and snow ;-(