This is my last day on the UNI today.
I wish you all the best and hope you all keep safe. Use what you can to help you be the best you and your horse can be.
Keep up your spirit and work with the spirit of your horses, as Monty would say they can teach us so much.
I will be posting on my youtube channel as Star progresses. She now accepts the saddel and will be ridden within two weeks.
It has been a long haul but the ground work has paid off.
You all have the best day that you can.
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just wanted to say goodbye

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Thanks Ronda for all your very valuable contributions and help over the past year or so. All the very best for the future. I will always think of you and MYSTARMAJESTIC so remeber that my thoughts will be with you. My very best wishes to you both and your husband, Paul. Take care we will miss you and your wisdom so much on forum. Do look after yourself and stay safe.
I will miss you, Ronda. Thanks for all the great advice and for sharing with us.
Hi Ronda, I'll miss you!