My horse is layed back will let other horses eat his food and push him around. When I try to bring him out of the pasture I have no problem in him catching me., but the other horse wants to go too. It is very difficult for me I am 5'3" ,age 63 my horse is 17 hands. the other horse just refuses to follow my instruction to go away from me. Any suggestions!
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How to get your horse out of the pasture when there are other horses there and trying to get out

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I do not think there is an easy solution here. What I would do and sometimes have to do is catch the other horse first and tie him up. Then catch your horse and lead him through the gate and tie him up. Go back and untie the other horse.
Hi Lois - is the other horse yours? If so you may try teaching it not to barge through the gate with the dually and to stay back for you.
I had this problem a lot when I had 4 horses, they all wanted to follow out the gate. I put a plastic bag on a stick and kept it by the gate I would push the other horses away so I could get my horse out, it worked pretty well. Just make sure your horse isn't frightened by it.
If the other horse is left all alone, t will be pretty hard to persuade him not to tag along.
kleinne's stick might work, though.
I would hesitate to tie any horse up as it might pull up the fence poles.
Have you tried bringing a bucket with oats or something to keep the other horse occupied with a few paces away from the gate?
Thanks for the ideas, the other horse is not mine. The gate is not a gate, it is(2) electric white fence that is much longer than a regular gate. The stable where I board will not let you tie the horses to the fence posts. The plastic bag on a stick sounds like a good idea. also the bucket of feed also a great idea , thanks to much!
Sounds like a rather awkward situation for you to handle - wouldn't like to try this myself! Any chance of having the owners put in an actual gate as that would make life a lot easier for everyone. No harm in asking!
Sometimes a I let me help by a second person.
I find that a look into the eyes, shoulder squared and an open hand in the air usually does the trick and often there are more than 30 horses crowding the gate. But you must be sure and confident in your actions. If not, then I agree a stick and plastic bag should work.
maak een sluis voor de poort draad open paard erin en je hebt nooit problemen dat je paard wegloopt.
maak een sluis voor de poort draad open paard erin en je hebt nooit problemen dat je paard wegloopt.