I think my mare is hard of hearing I was out side thing morning. I said hi when I walk in to the barn my boy picked up his head I went over said hi to him rub on him. Then I went over to her and ask her what she was doing try to get her to pick up her head and nothing so I touch her blanket and she freak like she never even knew I was there. I don't think she hurd me at all. Is there a way I can test to see if she can hear very good?
Thank u
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Horse Care and Comfort
horses hard of hearing
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Stand behind her and take a squeaky toy and squeeze it. Don't move your body otherwise she may just turn and look at you. Don't make the sound loud. You want it to be as soft as you can. If she don't respond make it louder and if she still doesn't respond have the vet check her out. She may be going deft or she has a bunch of crap in her ears, or she may have been a asleep and you startled her. I am going to make a guess that she was asleep and you woke her up
Thank u I'm going to have to try it and see what's going on with her. And she was eating at the time I came out.