Hi again, this doesn't need a video just an answer. I would like to know why and if Monty thinks that the horse is millions of years old and what he thinks the horse as some people would say (evoled from) you see If I am going to learn from monty I would like to know his view on the horses back round. I disagree how month says that the horse evolved and that he thinks that it is millions of year old. I don't want to sound rude, but it seems like mr Roberts seems to take all the credit for his studies. You see I think that god is using monty as a tool to bring the language of the horse to people. I think that mr Roberts could thank god for using him for such a wonder full thing. I know that I'm not even suppose o be posting this on his particular (section of the uni) but I think that this is a totally good subject. I would really like if I coils get a reply on this add or I'd me Roberts him self could get this message.
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Hi Jared
I totally agree with you on the issue of God, as I am a beleiver too.
I find it hard to comprehend how anyone can look at an animal and say "wow look how long it took to evolve", I would much rather say "Wow look at what God made",
I think it is a great thing to bring up, because not many people would have the courage to say it.
A think I have heard Monty mentioning evolving.
Hi thanks for the reply! I agree with evry thing your saying :)
Jared, I agree with you too. Perhaps God will minister the truth about creation to him.
Well that is going to be one thing that I will pray for, it would be amzing if someone with so much talent with these animals outwardly thanked God for this wonderful privaligeto have this talent.