I'ver had my horse for 7 years now, a few months ago I fell off for the first time, while riding out. I would have expected my horse to wait nearby for me to get up again, like my other horses always used to do, but she took off home and did not listen to me calling her, crossing dangerous roads all by herself. Now I'm nervous riding her, because what's going to happen, if I fall off again?
When on the medow she always comes to me as soon as I call her, she leads very well and is generally a very obedient horse.
What can I do to make her stay with me in case of a fall off?
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horse runs home after I fell off
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What a bummer! Well the old cowboy solution to this problem is the Git Down rope. You can buy one already made up or you can do it your self if you are handy with knots.
To buy one go here: http://buckarooleather.blogspot.com/2009/07/git-down-rope-rage-of-sage.html
To understand how this tool works look at this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyGiarUESmc
One other thing that will help you is to teach your horse to ground tie, where you drop your rein to the ground as you get off. Riding with split reins will help you to teach your horse to ground tie.
If you use these two methods you will be safe and your horse will be safe. I am sure your horse just got frightened since you never fell off her before. It scares most horses when the rider comes off.
THanks for your help, that's exactly what I was looking for! Feel much better now!