I saw this on the news once, this horse is so smart she figures out how to unlock the latch on her stall door, and then proceeds in breaking her friends out of jail!
I saw this on the news once, this horse is so smart she figures out how to unlock the latch on her stall door, and then proceeds in breaking her friends out of jail!
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That's just funny. I had to put 2 different clips on Ginger's stall because she let herself out with only thumb latch clip 3 times one spring. Luckily our yard is fenced and gated since we found her on the front lawn..yum yum .
I had one once (Ebony) that figured out that if she timed it right she could slip underneath the electric fence and be out in the yard. It was hilarious, because my father has absolutely no patience, and about the time he would walk back to the house she would take another stroll across my backyard
There was a stallion at a ranch I took riding lessons at that wouldn't try to get out of his stall, but instead he would take his hoof and bang as hard as he could on his stall door until someone gave him attention. He was one spoiled horse! Lol!