Hi everyone,
I have a question and some information I would like to share with you.
It is about heaves or RAO.
We know that heaves can be a real problem for our horses. The following information can help us as horse owners.
RAO or heaves, is a chronic problem in horses similar to asthma in humans. Small particles pass through the upper respiratory tract to the lower respiratory tract and cause inflammation mucus accumulation and constriction of the horse's airways, primarily the bronchioles, which are tiny airways of the lungs. Over time, after recurrent bouts of inflammation, permanent changes occur and the airways walls become irreversibly thickened. As a result, it is more difficult for the air to flow to and from the lungs, which is why this condition is referred to as an obstructive disease.
A new study in Murnich, Germany are researching in human allergy suppression for horses. It is a nanoparticleto called (CpG-ODN) and is showing promising results.
After just a few puffs, bloodwork showed a 40% improvement.
Imagine what this will do for our horses. So many suffer from this chronic disease and it hinders thier abilites to be the best they can be and in some cases it ruins thier career.
When I was reading this article it sounded like science-fiction to me and I had to re-read it many times to see what they are trying to tell us, there is hope.
My question is, are there any of you who have horses or know of horses that have the heaves and if so what is being done, how is it being handled?
Have a good day,
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Heaves ????
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I have a horse that has emphsemia since 2000 she has just been rode for pleasure and she was foaled in 1984.She is on a human aerosol inhalelor ( Combivent which is ipratropium bromide and albuterol sulfate) It is delivered through an Equine AeroMask which is made by Trudell Medical INT'L. She uses two to four puffs a day depending on the weather.It is expensive. We also soak her hay with hot water and after it has cooled pour it off and that takes alot of the dirt out.
Thank you very much for telling me this.
The reasone I wanted to know about this subject is, one of my daughters ponies has the heaves.
I will pass this information on.
Jave agood day,Ronda
Hi Ronda, I watched your video, "Attempting surcingle", I like the organ music, it fits perfectly, lol! Star is showing some improvement.