
Monty Roberts Equus Online University
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To Make the World a Better Place for Horses

Foal Handler

Hello! 2014 Cyberhunt winner

when im older im going to go to the monty roberts school in london, and in the summer i halter train foals with Monty's foal handler and i train them to pick there feet up, so when they get taken away in a horse box at the end of the summer there owner doesnt have to be mean to them to get them to go in.


i didnt know there was a school in london? do you have a website i could look at, v exciting news if there is :)

Hello! 2014 Cyberhunt winner

it was on one of monty's programes, i cant remember which one now, i'll have a watch of them again, i think it was on the television but i'll let you know x

Hello! 2014 Cyberhunt winner

the website is join up international, that will tell you all about it x