G'day all from Australia!
Id just like to say I joined this not long ago and I am absolutely hooked!! I ADMIRE Monty in all that he does and I love his morals along with his incredible wisdom.
I am a 16 year old horse-woman-legend wannabe and although I have worked with horses for a while (for my age) I have finally found my style and this uni is helping me so much!! This has made me so excited and eager to make the world a better place for horses! Im not a major fan of school - I constantly think about horses in the classroom when I should be working so now that I am a part of the uni Im learning so much ready for when I finish school! I live with a very bad condition in my leg so it has always affected my riding capabilities. Thanks to Monty, I have realized there is so much to offer horses through groundwork even! Just reading through the messages in the forum shows me how supportive and passionate everyone here is, I thank you all!! Here's to a new beginning for my horsemanship education. Cheers!
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Welcome to the Uni :-) It's lovely to hear your excitement and that you are sharing your journey here.
Hi. WELCOME! You have a disability. Do you realise that Monty only sees in black & white, literally - he has an extreme form of colour blindness, he suffered 72 broken bones before he was a teenager, he has a totally numb leg & a really damaged back. To top that off he's now 80 years old & leads a life that many people half his age couldn't cope with, not to mention the fact that he's still working with horses other people can't cope with. If you're determined you can find a way to do whatever you want, no matter your physical problems. I've had arthritis in my spine for 35 years but that's not stopping me. You have the optimism of youth on your side. Go for it! Cheers, Jo.
Jo, thankyou so much for this message. I really needed to read that, it means a lot to me. Thankyou! I WILL go for it, cheers :)
Hi, you're not alone there with disabilities. After I had my last child I started having my hip dislocate and it's not stopped since. I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Lupus SLE, 2 types of arthritis and a bunch of other stuff ending up in a wheelchair shortly after having her. Working with the horses has helped me get back on my feet, I'm fit but still quite screwed up when it comes to walking. Riding I've had to find different ways from the norm and bare back is best for me. The saddle and stirrups hurt my legs. Rather than it being how to ride my horse and do what a normal rider might do, it's what can we do together. Remember whatever you teach your horse, with a bond it will do it for you and that's the most amazing thing anyone can have even more so with disabilities.
When I was really bad one day and my hip dislodged when taking one of my horses for a walk in hand, he became my crutch. He let me lean across his withers with my arm, (he's too small for me to ride) put all my weight on him and I said 'help me' and he did all the way back to our field, he realized something was wrong, slowed down to a pace I could manage and helped me.
Try and find PaintedWarrior what you can do together and don't rule out bare back even if it's just a little walk around the field the bond you two will have will become amazing.
Hi, glad you have joined us. Hope we'll be able to help along the way. Just remember your safety is of the utmost importance at all times.