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Horse Care and Comfort
Dually Halter as a Bitless Bridle

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A thought - as not everyone has ideal riding circumstances. It is commonplace to fit a head collar over a bridle if you want to stop during a ride, so you can safely tie up your horse - a short lead rope is tied around the neck for this purpose. The English double bridle has two sets of reins & the second set of reins ( the curb reins ) are narrower & thinner so the rider can more easily tell them apart. A Dually halter can be fitted over a bridle without a nose band, the reins to the bit can be knotted & laid on the horses neck. You can then ride on the Dually with a second set of reins, confident that, having trained your horse to the Dually, you have a backup in place ( and I'm guessing many parents would like this idea ). After all, a bit properly fitted but with the reins left loose causes no discomfort or pain.
Cheers, Jo.
Both of you always have such good advice. Clear, easy to understand answers to follow. I hadn't thought of long lining as a prep for using the Dually as a prep for a bitless bridle but it makes perfect sense. Thanks again to both of you!