Hi all
is it possible to join up with 2 horses:) there are two shetlands that my friend and i would like to join up with because they are shy of people we cant separate them because we cant touch them.
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Double Horse Join Up

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I actually joined up three horses at once, it was kind of by accident. I was trying to catch my bay that wouldn't come to me. He was in with 2 other horses that would come to me so I decided I would try join up but if you chase one you chase all. It took a bit longer but they eventually joined up. The funny thing was my old gelding is to old to run with the other two so he just stood there as they ran by him and even though he wasn't taking part he was the first one to join up with me. He just came walking up to me and kept following me around while I was still trying to join up the other two. So yes you can join up 2 horses at once again it just takes a little longer.
Hi EquiAbi,
Please watch the lessons on "catching your horse in the field, this might solve your problem of not being able to catch your shetties, and will help you in the whole process of Join-up, too.