just got a 15 year old qh. his ground work is excellant. gives his feet. everything is good until its time to saddle up. as soon as he sees the saddle his head goes up and his ears go back. i calm him down and put the saddle on and head goes up and ears go back. i calm him again and walk him around and loosely cinch him and the same process takes place. finally after 5 times of adjusting the cinch and walking him around he'll allow a mount. if i cinch him up to quickly he will bolt straight ahead and try to buck the saddle off only to come to a stand still looking terrified and apologetic. i go up to him and quickly release the cinch calm him down and walk him around again and we start the whole thing all over again. vet checked him found nothing. question is am i doing the right thing trying to get him to accept a cinched saddle, or is there a better way to accomplish the talk at hand. help, papa john
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Good morning hines,
This is so funny to me. I was just sent a vieo on how to cinch a horse!!!
For years I just went about it and never had a problem with the usual way.
The video was great. Here is how he does it. His name is Mark Peterson.
After everything else is on and the cinch is ready to be tightened he places his arm, bent at the elow, on the side of the horse and uses this as a brace. Then gently pulls the cinch to tighten it.
It is done so smoothly and does not startle the horse in any way.
He then picks up the front feet, one at a time. This places the cinch in the correct place and presto the horse is relaxed and ready to go.
Seeing it and describing it is two different things. You can go to his site and watch it for yourself, maybe.
(Mark and dusty.com) It should come up for you with his other videos.
I received it on my facebook account via email.
Hope this helps,
Clicker training works well. The cinch is associated with a positive consequence, whereas now there is a negative association.
Hey hines,
I found an easier way to find that video.
It is: markshorsedusty on youtube. then type in saddle.mov.
It is very helpful.
thanks for your comments. went to video and was blown away by dusty. tried his method using a mohair ropers cinch. cinched hem up three times with it and off we rode no problems. will try it again tomorrow so far so good. thanks every one . papa john
Hi Hines - sounds like your horse has had a really bad, painful experience with the saddle and girth. Changing the girth has obviously helped so that is great. Have you had an expert check your saddle fit? This may also be causing the problem.
thanks maggie. saddle was also bad fit. having him fitted tomorrow. tough in hawaii. we don't have a tack shop i can trailer him to and try on a dozen different saddles. keep you posted. thanks