Do you know of a certified Trainer in North Carolina preferably in the Wake/Lee-Harnett County areas as I live in Broadway (Harnett County) and would love to have someone back me up should I need extra help with the lessons learned thus far.
I hope to put into practice what I have learned with my two Morgan Mares namely "Mae Tyme Corriander (Cori) and Mae Tyme Holly Go-Litely (Holly)......
Thank you so much for all the lessons you provided me this year to practice and learn from....
All the best to you and your family,
MaryJo Morse
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Certified Trainer in NC

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Hi MaryJo,
You can find a list of all of Monty's certified instructors and their locations on his website under Contacts then Certified Instructors.
Lynn Mitchell
Monty Roberts Instructor
Mary Jo if you want to take some time and come up to maine for a course I have a few this summer and fall that still have spots available. Also I have been traveling on weekends for demos and may be at an area closer to you over the summer. Feel free to email me and I will get you my schedule.
Thanks hope to hear from you soon.