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My Join-Up® Experience
Catch in the pasture

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But, to stay with this thread, Artemis just yesterday in the pasture, after about 25 minutes of slow, calm attempts and invitations, she let me put her first Dually on her. She's a 16-hand biter and turns on a dime. It was a huge achievement to have her finally let me put it on her. Lots of rubs and "good girl" whispers to her throughout the whole experience. The gesture that finally did it was gently laying the long lead line on her and letting her walk and turn while it was on her. She never walked away from me, but kept turning around so I know she was considering what we were doing. Then licking and chewing with a lowered head and soft eyes, she still reached to bite but not with effort to make contact. So I put the halter to her nose and it went on. Her first 20 minutes with it on was interesting. She shook her head and nibbled at grass and then decided to try and fly away. Thankfully it's the 17' line. I closed the session with walking and standing and a LOT of rubs on the forehead. I will be trying it again today. I don't know how she will feel with it... but the videos for catching in the pasture and the ones of the little girl in Join-Up for youth was very helpful. Artemis hasn't formally "Joined Up" with me in this manner yet. Sometimes she will follow me if I arc with no tack at all. But for a formal join-up session, there is too much mud in the field and round pen for that to be safe. I'm in a unique circumstance here and don't have control to improve the land they are on. Hoping that we can move in the Springtime to a drier more temperate homeplace. I would love any feedback anyone wants to offer this green horsewoman. Thanks. :) ~ Erika