i couldnt find the answer to this
why do some horses bit their flanks
can any one help?
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Horse Care and Comfort
biting flanks???
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Hi ebrahim,
Pretty sure there's a Q&A about biting flanks, but I couldn't find it either!
Very important is that many horses have ulcers, so pain could be reason nunber one.
When in danger of colic they often look at their flanks, but mostly don't bite them.
Is this horse showing the behavior under the saddle? Very sensitive nerves can be found in the cinch-area and the flanks.
May I suggest you have the horse checked for stomach-ulcers and speak about the behavior with the vet? Often ulcers build when the horse is not getting enough hay, too many concentrates and the time between portions is too long. Horses in nature graze for at least 16 hours a day. Their stomach and digestive tract is build for many, small portions with a high fiber content.
I hope this helps you on the way!
Sound advice from Miriam Ebrahim, definately needs looking into with a vet to start with