Lily's rear ankles sound like they're cracking when she walks does this sound strange to anyone. I don't recall this noise in other horses.
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That can actually be normal. Does it come and go or is it constant? I know Beamer (and myself) have a number of joints that snap, crackle and pop frequently and it does not bother either of us.
The phenomenon is called "cavitation" and has to do with a negative pressure inside the joint. (It's not all that unusual either.) When the joint is in its outer position, tiny gas bubbles can be freed from the cells and be transported away with the joint (synovial)fluid.
Unless there is swelling or lameness there is nothing to worry about. If you're uncertain, so not hesitate to call a vet! :)
Not "so" - "do"!
Thank you Mimi. She doesn't seem lame and no swelling so I guess I won't worry. I'll ask the vet when she comes out next.
Kiki. Sorry dumb auto correct
*LOL* I can so relate to that! (And I do mean "so" this time!) ;)
I found that my older thoroughbred boy used to click in both back knees, a combination of glucosamine and rosehip really seemed to help (he was old though :P)