I noticed the next lesson is about acupuncture. I personally don't believe in this type of procedure and it seems like they are going to do this on a horse? That's weird in my opinion.
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Hi Horse addict,
I'm notgoing to try to convince you of something I don't know much about, but I do have some experience with acupuncture myself and was really happy with the result.
I had a tetanus- vaccination years ago that formed a cyst, my neighbour (phyician specialized in acupuncture) put three needles around the cyst, had me relax for 15 minutes and that was it, two weeks later you couldn't even guess where the cyst had been!
Why don't we wait and see, what the lesson will teaches us?
Well our family has had a lot of acuputure done.
First when I was diagnosed with liver cancer, in 1986, acupuncture was preformed on me, I'm still here!!!!
And after my car accident we tried everything to help manage with the pain, this was all that helped me to regain the use of my arm. My acupuncturist is from China and has been doing this most of her life and was trained by a master.
After my husbands brain injury, last year, he too has been seeing a acupuncturist, from China, and it is remarkable to see the progress he has made.
I know it works, I have seen so many people helped by this proven medicine.
They will even preform acupuncture for a person who has to have root canal preformed and cannot take any form of freezing, yet with the acupuncture they will feel no pain !!!
I have never seen it done on an equine but I am interested to see how it will be done and by whom.
I'm hoping you all won't go out and buy a bunch of needles and start poking at your horses!!!!!
Can you see the cartoon: horse standing with the look of surprise on it's face and water squirting out from everywhere, :)
Thats a funny image!
Hi guys! I still don't believe in acupuncture, but we'll see what the lesson is.
Ronda i am laughing very hard from your last sentence! I will be looking forward to seeing the acupuncture video.
Yeah Ronda, that's funny! LOL!
Looking forward to this vid, too!
It's my experience that acupuncture works IF applied correctly! It's vital that you know exactly where and how to do this, so always use a professional.
In Sweden it isn't allowed (legally or otherwise) to perform this without a license and proper education. I also think you need to be a vet to perform it on animals. (My vet does it, btw, so she certainly believes in it!)
I feel the horse in the videos spoke eloquently about his experience with acupuncture!Ahhhhhhhhhh Mister Anders come back soon! he said:)
Totally Agree Sasafras That Horse had a totally Good Feeling in the end.