This first lesson brought back so many memories of how Joey was the first time he saw a plastic bag on a stick. After 3 years I still have no held him while I had a plastic bag on a stick. Seeing this video reminds me that the way I handle him is correct and we need to get to the finally bag on a stick lesson. This time I have the 24 old year horse to reassure Joey. When we were working with the Long Lines Joey was much more relaxed when the older horse stands outside the round pen and lets Joey know to try it again. Hope to do Bag on a stick all the way to touching Joey this February.
Joey has to learn to trust a needle before is coggins expires in April 2014 or I will not be able to bring with me when I travel between Oregon and California. Wish there was a way to have him worked with at Flag IS Up Farms.
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A Horse Called Lunatic Joins Up

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Hi Amberpony,
If this is as serious as you describe, why don't you consider bringing your horse to Flag Is Up Farms and see how he works his way through his phobias. It might be just one phonecall...
I would really encourage you to give this horse the opportunity to lead a happier life!
They do take resquehorses with known and unknown phobias, so why not your Joey.
Good luck and keep us posted!
Me again!
I forgot to mention that I was present at the demo as a volunteer, when Monty worked with Lunatic. I have watched the Unilesson at least 10 times since, there is so much to learn!
I remember the tension in the public. This is a great example of "it good to have a plan, but it's foolish to fall in love with it", Monty could only work with what the horse offered him.
Give Joey a chance to learn like Lunatic!
Lucky you Miriam. The Lunatic series is so special it must have been incredible to witness live. I learnt so much from the videos and loved watching them
Miriam I have no idea how to get help from Flag Is Up Farms. The shot thing is Very Serious! The only saving grace is that Joey has a kind heart and does not want to hurt people that are gentle with him.
Miriam that is awesome you were there to see this demonstration.
Joey is trotting over the tarp now and working at walking over it. Joey will lead onto the trap and we took his picture while he stood on it. Joey lets me put the bags on a stick on his head. He is not impressed with the bags on the rest of him but Joey is really trying to get over it.
Now I have to watch the video of the horse that came to Monty for protection of the bag on a stick so I can figure out what to do next. Joey just keeps coming up to me for protection instead of running in fear. So at least we are ending our sessions dry and no need to blanket him afterwards. That is a huge step in the right direction.
Hi Amberpony,
Even if Joey has a kind heart and doesn't want to hurt anyone, he still has this phobia, so I really would suggest you try to help him with that, for his life and for your own safety.
Since you're in California, there should be a way to get him worked with by a Certified Instructor, if you can't get him to Solvang.
You seem to have done quite a good job with the plastic and tarp, this makes a happier horse of him already! I just saw there are some lessons coming on preparing for the vet, but they might not be on before April.
Let us know how things go!
Thanks Miriam
I will look into calling. I can drive Joey to Solvang no problem he travels 425 miles twice a year with me already. Just need to get over my phobias of rejection, everyone seems to blow me off when I ask for help. What is another no to the list. eh. Joey is worth saving if only for him to take care of me when I want to be outside on those days my body is not working properly. He is a Good Boy. Although Joey is back to wanting to be left alone again. ugh.... Although today he wanted a little attention after watching me ride the new to us 24 year old Arab "Hunter". I am out of Bandwidth on my internet connection so have to wait until after the 17th to watch more videos. Now I have to watch videos for "Hunter" he needs to collect better and I need to remember all the leg yielding.
Hi Amberpony,
You can be very proud of yourself for being brave enough to mention your fear!
Would you be able to look at yourself as if you were a horse with a phobia? How would you try to solve that problem? With small intrinsic steps!
Maybe you could play the scenario through in your head, before taking the first step.
Set yourself up for succes!
Consider helping Joey just as important as helping yourself.
HI Amberpony
I am the head Instructor at Flag Is Up farm and if you think we may be able to help you with your plastic training with your horse please get in touch - as i may be able to help you organise something email me at and maybe we can make a plan
Thank you so much for stepping in Maya!
What a wonderful offer....
Kind regards,
Thanks Maya for joining the conversation. I am in the process of getting Joey some training at Flag Is Up farm. Maybe we shall meet.
Miriam Thanks for all your encouragement to make this happen. I have had encouraging conversations with my vet and farrier today. Joey is very special and most people realize it as soon as they meet him.
BTW Joey has been So Ready To Learn recently. To bad I had to leave for the week to take care of personal business in Oregon. We did get one more training session with the plastic before I left and Joey was letting me know the places he was least afraid of the plastic. Plus the tarp thing seems to be more of a why should I walk on it with you thing now. Of course the answer is because I want you to. :O)
Hi Amberpony,
That's wonderful!
I'm sure you'll meet Maya, you'll have a great time there!!
Please keep us posted on your progress,
How exciting, Amberpony. All the very best for you and Joey at Flag is Up. Looking forward to reading all about it!
Wonderful, try and get some videos if you can :-) Loking forward to hearing all about it
Joey is going for training. There is no way I can afford to go for me, barley scrapped it together for Joey. Excited that the Last piece of paperwork sent in, waiting for confirmation now. I did have an encouraging conversation with Kasia Tomaszewicz. Waiting is the hardest part.
Hi Amberpony,
Congratulations, this is wonderful!
Sorry, you can't join your horse though.
I'm sure you'll get good instruction when you get him back, there's so much to learn!
Now sit back and enjoy the feeling of getting help for Joey, it must have been an interesting process to come this far.
Best wishes,
So sorry you can't go to Amberpony. The waiting will be so hard but Joey will be with excellent trainers who will take good care of him. Lucky horse going to Flag is Up farm. He may even get to see Monty.
miriam We are heading down to the farm next week after Joey gets a trim from his favorite farrier.
Thanks again for the encouragement.
Hi Amberpony,
I'm glad it all worked out so well! My pleasure....
It teaches me once more, how important it is to speak up, when we're in need of help!
Your message came through and I felt I saw a way of encouraging you.
What a great and powerful tool this forum is!
Now please keep us posted on Joey's journey and progress!
Miriam we made it to the farm. Joey enjoyed the all day drive. He stuck his nose out the little hole to smell the ocean air when we drove through Pismo Beach. :OD Such a pleasant experience when we arrived! Nice to have someone else that knows what they are doing take care of Joey. Joey liked all the girl attention straight away and looked right at home. He didn't care that I left him in the strange stall. Everyone we met is so very nice. Tomorrow I will have some time to spend there. Have to go to my moms 4 hours south of here. But will come back to watch Joeys learning process for a few days. ;o) Thank You again for the nudge.
What a wonderful adventure for you both, Amber! I am almost a bit jealous of you. LOL! Looking forward to your updates - and fingers crossed!
That is so exciting, Amberpony. Well done and all the very best for Joey and you.
Hi Amberpony,
So touching to read you arrived well and Joey is on his way to a happier life!
How great you can go back to the farm and watch his progress, there's so much to learn!
I wish I could be there with you....
I'm so happy for the two of you!
Thanks for the Well Wishes Ladies.
Maya will be working with Joey! She is awesome to watch in the round pen.
I agree, Maya is quite extraordinary to watch, so fast and so calm!
Joey is Home after 3 months of training. In our first week home we are pruning trees in the driveway while riding. Denise Heinlein arena work has made it simple for Joey to understand how to get in position to cut the limbs. Joey is also very quiet now when the limb falls to the ground. Joey and I also went to an open arena night and Joey was A Star! Safe as Safe could be, and didn't even mind the girls that were practicing the barrels even when they took off at a run not far from us. I might add the instruction I received from Denise was excellent and now have a better understanding of how to use the 3 piece snaffle bit that Joey is found of.
Welcome home Joey! So glad all went well
Hi Amberpony,
just want to add my deeply felt respect for the path you have chosen for Joey and youself.
I'm sure these three months have been a lifechanging experience.
Keep the good work going,
Hi Amberpony,
What wonderful news! I am so happy for you both. (Still jealous though! LOL!)It must've been the expereince of a lifetime.
Thanks Miriam. Kicki it was a special experience.
Joey is now in Oregon starting to explore some trails in a more natural state. Plenty of rushing water here for Joey to get used to . . Bridges with real water under them to challenge Joey's nerve. Thankfully God sent me the Perfect Buddy horse in 24 year old Hunter, with plenty of energy to keep up with Joey and his Long Stride.
So great to have the up date - Amberpony!
Hi Amberpony!
So you're working in natural circumstances now, trainingwheels off!
What a wonderful progress you made with Joey, thanks to the great help you received
from Maya, Denise and all at Flag is up Farms.
please keep sending updates...