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I was wondering what to do with my green arab who gives me head lowering and tries to reduce the size of the circle but his inside ear never quite locks on to me and he does not lick his lips. Being very aware that join up is not about wearing the horse out I have not just kept him going round and waiting for the ear to lock. He does stop to face me but does not really join up and only comes towards me slightly. I know its the way I am 'talking' to him but don't know how to use better words! Anyone overcome a similar problem or know where I am going wrong?

Becky C

If when you invite him in he just stops and look at you try arcing- move in an arc of equal distance from his shoulder to shoulder, then when you reach his other side invite again with the dropped shoulder and body turn. walk again away in an arc and see if he follows you then. You are just re-inviting him. Many horses won't just walk right up to you as they may be confused or maybe you didn't get it just right. It's hard to get it perfect so give yourself a break. If it takes you going to him and giving him a face rub before walking in your figure of eight then do it. You can try again another time, at least he'll have a rough idea of what you're trying to achieve!

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Hi Colinc, what you describe about your efforts for join-up with your arab is not unusual. Becky`s advice is right-on, as this whole ritual is like a dance that the two of you are performing in a prelude of coming together. The right words need to be said in the conversation for it to happen. You will find those words in your efforts because of the manner in which your thoughts are developing. The head being lowered is really a good thing because it demonstrates relaxation by your horse. Remember that there is a predator-prey dynamic that is going on when you walk into their space. The whole join-up process is predicated on this. Your question to them is, WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE SPACE WITH ME? Then the dance begins. I have always found that my mind needs to be cleared of everything but the intention of thought about the procedure of join-up. I have bred and raised Arabians for 25 yrs and do this procedure with all of the babies. They all master this procedure by the time they are 4 to 5 months of age. When our mind is harmonizing with our love for these horse, the magic will come. I hope that this helps you. Bud

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Hi. Welcome to the Uni. We aim to help! There are some lessons here already that you may not have seen - what about 'join up for children, or tees or Martin Clunes. There's a few for you. Study the body language. We love new blood, new ideas & are keen for your insights. We love Monty's new discoveries, like back through starting stalls. Study, learn & join us helping worldwide to embrace this more humane horse/pony training. We're here to support you so you can bring your insights to all of us. Cheers, Jo.

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Thanks Becky and Bud. I will try the arcing and let you know.

Jo I will look at the lessons you suggest. Many thanks.



I think that is great advice from both Becky and Bud. Is Like to add something g about use of words. Remember all animals not just horses learn words. Even as a baby we as humans don't start out communicating with words (well except for mommy and daddy). Body language is where communication starts. Clear mind is definetly important because we all know our thoughts can be projected outwardly in our slightest moves. One thing also great about horses (all animals) is they dont need be talked to all the time like humans. Just you being there feeling each others energy is enough. Try not using words for now and just use your body. When you want to start using words associate that word with what your asking. Same with hand signals. Also negative energy can cause more negative response. Your frustrated he will know it and will respond in that way. Also when a horse is giving signs that they are relaxed could also be that he is bored or something is distracting him (one ear back could be he is distracted). If that's the case then get his attention or give him something to do by moving him. Love needs no words

dionne4210 - Denmark.
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Hi colinc. I'm also new here and performed my first join up 2 days ago with my welsh cob. It went really well just like Monty.
Today I did join up again, and my horse this time did not walk to me, he stood and looked at me, so I dropped my head and eyes and walked over to him, I told him that he was a good boy and rubbed him between his eyes, then I turned away from him but not my back fully away, kind of an angle, I closed my fingers and just very slightly motioned my hand toward him and made a kiss noise, he followed me and we walked nearly a full figure of eight together.
This was not a perfect join up like the first time but I am very positive because he followed me anyway.
I just thought I would share that with you.
Best regards from Dionne.- Denmark.

Mel - Ramsgate UK
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Hi Colin, just a question when you are inviting him are you looking at his face??